VBS 2021 | Our Big Neighborhood!

In July, we had eight students from six families participate in WUCC’s 2021 Vacation Bible School. We were blessed with wonderful weather, enthusiastic volunteers and many fun activities as part of the themed curriculum ‘Our Big Neighborhood’ by Color + Kindness!

One of the most beautiful parts of this camp was how the community worked together to create a loving, peaceful and enriching Christian Education experience for all of the children and adults participating.

  • A big thank you to Dorothy and the Bottles and Cans Ministry Team for providing a $300 grant as well as shopping assistance for camp materials.

  • Thank you to Jean, Sarah, Allison, Mark and Amy for volunteering to set up, clean up and for their kind, patient presence with all of the camp participants.

  • Thank you to Ilse for coordinating a super fun tie dye activity and volunteering to help with camp.

  • Also, thank you to Rick for repairing, setting up and taking down his tent so that we could have an outside space for our camp activities!

  • Thank you to Michelle for volunteering to be our storybook reader.



Christian References in Our Big Neighborhood Curriculum:

Guatemala: We learned about weaving and discussed how God has woven us each together with special care. All of the tiny details that make us unique. Psalm 139: 13-16.

India: In India, you can often find many generations of one family in the kitchen together , learning how to make food through experience and practice. Psalm 34: 8-10 tells us 'taste and see that God is good".

Italy: In Italy, family is very important. We talked about some of the hard things and wonderful things about our families and how being a child of God makes us a part of God's family also. 1 Peter 4: 8-10.

China: We learned about the Great Wall of China and how it was built to protect China from invaders. We all want to protect ourselves from bad things. We talked about some of the things we may feel afraid of and how the Bible tells us that God can be our refuge/safe place. Psalms 91: 1-4

Sweden: We learned about Fika; a Swedish tradition of taking a coffee or tea break with family and friends. It is a time to slow down, enjoy company and rest. We discussed creation and how after 6 days of work, God rested. This can remind us about the importance of slowing down and resting. You may want to discuss what rest means in your family. For some, it may mean honoring the sabbath. Discussing how you enjoy resting as a family can help your child integrate this learning and connect with their cultural identity. Psalm 23: 1-3.

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