Return to Worship Statement

Updated 12/24/2021

The leadership of The Waitsfield United Church of Christ has been prayerfully considering the safest and most appropriate ways to gather based on the guidance of local and state governing authorities and medical professionals.

Waitsfield UCC Mask Policy: The Church Council's stated policy around masking is to follow the orders of the Governor. As the Governor recently ceded the power of making such a mandate to municipalities, and as Waitsfield recently enacted a mask mandate, masks are now mandated in our church. There are some exceptions in Waitsfield's mandate:

Face coverings are not required for:

Children under 2 years. A person with a disability who cannot wear a face covering or cannot safely wear a face covering for reasons related to the disability. A person for whom wearing a face covering would create a risk to workplace health, safety, or job duty as determined by the workplace risk assessment. Any person while eating or drinking inside any establishment that serves food or beverage. Any person working in or visiting office spaces that require admission by appointment. Any person in a part of a public building that is inaccessible to the public. Any person working at a retail establishment who is fully shielded behind a plastic or other type of protective shield. Portions of a theater where the individuals performing have been vaccinated and there is space, a physical barrier, or ventilation system that separates them from the general public or audience.

For us, this means the choir and I will be singing/leading worship unmasked under the "theater" exemption, though we will be back a little more from the congregation than usual. For coffee hour, please mask while standing, unmask while seated.

Online Worship Service will continue Sunday mornings on Zoom, YouTube, or MRVTV, but the focus will shift to those in the sanctuary.

Please contact Amy Jamieson with any questions.

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