People for the Steeple Campaign

Five years ago, this community came together to generously support the new addition and renovation of the church, but one piece of work was left undone at the time: painting. Over the last few years, volunteers from the church have painted the back and sides of the building, saving tens of thousands of dollars in labor, and now, over 20 years after the successful "People for the Steeple" campaign, we are asking for your help again to finish the work we started by completing the painting of the church steeple.

Our steeple, an icon of Waitsfield, was last painted in the year 2000, and it shows - the peeling paint is far past its paint life. The cost to do this work is $51,000. The church has found money to pay for all but $16,000, so we are coming to you, in the community, to ask for your help in raising $16,000 by the end of June. We hope, as you have in the past, that you will support the Village Meeting House and give us some help at this time.

Donate online here:

Please send donations to:
Village Meetinghouse,
PO Box 16,
Waitsfield, VT, 05673

Thank You, Vince Gauthier, Facilities Manager

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