We are an Open & Affirming Community of Faith


In harmony with the United Church of Christ General Synod of 1985 and the Vermont Conference of the United Church of Christ in 2002, the Waitsfield United Church of Christ embraces diversity and affirms the dignity and worth of every person.

We welcome and invite into our community of faith, God’s people – including but not limited to those of every gender, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, mental and physical ability, age, ethnicity, nationality, faith background, marital status, economic, legal and social status, and family structure.

Those within our community of faith are called and invited to participate and share fully their talents in worship, Sacraments, leadership positions, ordained and lay leadership, mission and fellowship. We rely upon the healing, unconditional nature of God’s love and grace, together with the teachings of Jesus Christ, to be our help and guide as we commit to making justice and inclusivity in our church and wider community a joyful reality. 

(as voted by the membership of the Waitsfield UCC on Sunday, July 27, 2014)

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